For LIMB DEFORMITY in S.H. Bhagatwala, Ramkunj, R.K. Vaidya Marg,Mumbai,MUMBAI

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Best Doctors from ORTHOPAEDICS DEPARTMENT in   S.H. Bhagatwala, Ramkunj, R.K. Vaidya Marg,Mumbai, MUMBAI
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Latest Activity

Need cost details for repair of limb deformity.
Hello doctor, My left leg femur bone length is 5cm shorter than the right leg....
Male 31 , Azamgarh


37 Mins Ago

Looking for limb lengthening surgery at Kanpur.
My left leg tibia bone is 3 inches shorter then other and I want to know the be...
Male 19 , Kanpur


31 Mins Ago

My child is suffering from multiple joint contractures, deformity, how do I get the best treatment?
Dear sir, My child age 4.5 years has been suffering from multiple joint contrac...
Male 5 ,


1 Day Ago

One patient has left leg short, need details of hospital providing treatment for it in visakhapatnam
One patient has left leg short of i inch. It has come to my knowledge that a pr...
Male 54 , Karnal


2 Day Ago

Do you make and fit artificial hand prosthesis?
Hi I am dr from Delhi. I want to know if u make and fit artificial hand prosthe...
Female 30 , Delhi


1 Day Ago